It’s On!

I am a little delayed in getting started on my “Lifestyle Change” log, but here I am and we did get started. Yesterday was Day 2. Here’s what we have done to start and here’s our plan…


Since we have been so out of it for about a a few weeks (and on vacation), and the only work I had really done prior to that was cardio work, we decided to start off with what we thought would be an easy kickoff.  Well, we were wrong!

We chose to begin with the 30 day Plank Challenge and the 30 Day Ab & Squat Challenge.  They are both shown below:

Slide2 Slide1

Yes, we thought they would be easy but, on Day 2, I had to resort to modified plank (as in the picture, as opposed to a full plank) and my husband cringed through the squats.  We did it but it was obvious where our strengths and weaknesses were!  I have been a runner/walker for several years, so my legs were stronger.  He had been doing mostly weight training so his arms were stronger.  Funny how obvious this becomes when you really get down to it and, even more interesting, when you think you are starting off easy!  Ha!

Since we started on a Friday, we also did a 4 mile walk (running a few hills as interval training) and decided to save the weight training for Monday, to get on our proposed regular schedule.

The Workout Plan

Monday through Friday we will be doing weight training, daily, alternating muscle groups (arms vs. legs) to get a day’s rest between each.  For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday = arms, and Tuesday, Thursday = legs, etc.  I will post our workout schedule later today or tomorrow (as soon as we get it typed up!) since we start TOMORROW!!!

In addition, we will continue our 30 day challenges and also add either walking/running and yoga.  Gotta get that cardio in too!

On weekends, we will give the weights a rest and stick with walking/running or bicycling.

Sounds like a great plan and I am ready!  If you want to join us, check back in tonight for our schedule, which was obtained from a weight training program.

The Eating Plan (notice I did not say “diet”)

At first we thought we would just drop sugar, flour, a lot of fat and carbs, and be fine.  I, a confessed carb addict, have found that to be a bit difficult.  Instead, I am drastically cutting back on the sugar, trying to cut out the flour totally, and cutting back on fat and carbs.  I want to focus on cutting out one thing at a time and I think this plan will allow me to do so, without going into total shock from lack of sugar or carbs.  Being pre-diabetic, it is important to me to change my eating habits and I will do it.  I just have to do it gradually.  However, I have really cut back on all of these things.  

I track my diet (calories, fat, carbs, protein, sodium, sugar, etc., which are broken down for you, by food, meal and day) on My Fitness Pal.  I swear by this app!  If you look back in previous posts, you can find more information about this app and where and how to use it, the benefits, etc.  However, on my new eating plan, I will not be consuming the fat, carbs, sugar or sodium given as my daily allowances on My Fitness Pal.  

The Proof

Oh my goodness!  The proof!  On Friday, my husband took my BEFORE pictures.  Yikes.  I have not looked at them yet, but I am sure that they will be excellent proof of how bad it was and how much progress I make!!  I plan to take the same pics every week in the same clothes.  In a few months, I will post the entire set of photos to show change over time!!  

The Invite

I hope you will join us.  Remember, this is no fad diet or quick weight loss plan.  This is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.  There comes a time in our lives when we realize that we have to take better care of ourselves so that we can be around longer for our kids and grandkids and have a better quality of life while we are here.  Gary and I are there.  It’s our time.   

Please consider joining us!

Lifestyle Change Coming Up



Are you ready for a lifestyle change????? Tune in next week as Gary and I return home from vacation and begin our journey to change our lives to become healthier, happier, and more active, and to promote a longer life!!!

I will be sharing our new healthy eating plan, recipes, workout plans, and motivation.  We are doing “before” pics and will take pics EVERY WEEK to log and document our progress.  I will be blogging everything (except the photos which I will save for later), and sharing it here, hopeful that it will help others to totally change their lives!

At age 48, my husband had aortic valve replacement and he has a lot of trouble with his blood pressure, still.  I just found out that I am pre-diabetic.  So…as we were looking forward to a cruise (from which we just returned), we were trying to lose weight “for the cruise” and it was then that we realized it was fruitless.  We should be getting healthier for US, to heck with the cruise!!  We knew then that we were going to have to make major lifestyle changes to get to the place where we wanted to be.  We want to feel better and enjoy life more.  We want to live longer.  My daddy just passed away at age 69, much too soon, and has led us to realize that we have to take better care of ourselves so that we can be around for our children, grandchildren, and others that we love, but to also enjoy a longer life together.

No fads for us.  We are going the hard route.  We are changing our lives.  Tune in and do something great for yourself.

We will return home from our vacation on Tuesday and I will get my first blog up within 24 hours.  Let’s do this TOGETHER!


The Mighty Plank

This is my number one ab exercise.  The picture is self explanatory.  Best explanation that I have found.

The Mighty Plank

The Mighty Plank


As a trained yoga instructor, I have come to value the benefits of the plank.  If done correctly, this is one pose that can help with multiple problem areas.  I especially love it to help focus on my abs and my guns (arms/shoulders).

If you have never done a plank and you find that you don’t have the strength to hold it very long, it’s okay!  Just do it as many times as you can, for as long as you can (even if it is just 5 seconds).  If you do it daily, you will build up your strength and be able to hold the pose longer.

It’s this simple!  What to do:

  • suck in your tummy
  • keep your back straight (not butt up in the air or sagging)
  • squeeze your buns
  • work your way up to 30 seconds, then to a 1 minute
  • BREATHE!!!
  • Focus on your body, how it feels, what it is doing

Once you have mastered this plank, there is an even more challenging level.  More to come…