Lifestyle Change Coming Up



Are you ready for a lifestyle change????? Tune in next week as Gary and I return home from vacation and begin our journey to change our lives to become healthier, happier, and more active, and to promote a longer life!!!

I will be sharing our new healthy eating plan, recipes, workout plans, and motivation.  We are doing “before” pics and will take pics EVERY WEEK to log and document our progress.  I will be blogging everything (except the photos which I will save for later), and sharing it here, hopeful that it will help others to totally change their lives!

At age 48, my husband had aortic valve replacement and he has a lot of trouble with his blood pressure, still.  I just found out that I am pre-diabetic.  So…as we were looking forward to a cruise (from which we just returned), we were trying to lose weight “for the cruise” and it was then that we realized it was fruitless.  We should be getting healthier for US, to heck with the cruise!!  We knew then that we were going to have to make major lifestyle changes to get to the place where we wanted to be.  We want to feel better and enjoy life more.  We want to live longer.  My daddy just passed away at age 69, much too soon, and has led us to realize that we have to take better care of ourselves so that we can be around for our children, grandchildren, and others that we love, but to also enjoy a longer life together.

No fads for us.  We are going the hard route.  We are changing our lives.  Tune in and do something great for yourself.

We will return home from our vacation on Tuesday and I will get my first blog up within 24 hours.  Let’s do this TOGETHER!


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