
Having survived the crazy life and arrived at the ripe old age of 50 something, I feel that I am highly qualified to use my life experiences, and my infinite wisdom resulting from these experiences, along with my successes and flops along the way, to help other women.   I am proud to announce that I have been “menopausal” now for over 12 years.  Yep!  You got it right…I started early menopause in my late 30’s and have been basking in its glory ever since.  I have also survived many other midlife situations:  divorce, single motherhood, career change, a second marriage, loss of a parent, staring an empty nest right in the face…the list could go on forever.  I will spare you!

I didn’t know that I was going through early menopause until I got pregnant at age 37 and lost the baby because my body could not produce the hormones to sustain the pregnancy.  Voila….menopause!  After suffering with endometriosis and the resulting horrific periods that accompanied it, I rewarded myself with a total hysterectomy three days after my 40th birthday!  The BEST present EVER!

I did take synthetic hormones until age 50 because my doctor felt it was necessary.  Still, I suffered with hot flashes,  the weight war, and many other side effects.  It did not become “full blown” until I turned 50 when I finally said “NO MORE” to the synthetic hormones.  Since then, I have been on my own.  There have been days when I have wanted to go back to the supplements, but I have survived now for 2 years and have not killed anyone nor have I fallen apart.  Well, not completely or clinically.

Unfortunately, I have fought the weight war in a big way (still doing so), skin dryness, major hot flashes, and other things that I have not yet realized are related to menopause!

As a result of this, I decided to start this blog to help other women my age or in a similar situation to take action to make their lives healthier, fuller, happier and more informed.  I have found that through sharing my experiences and findings with others, I am also motivated and I am learning more every day.

I hope that you will join me in this journey, with seriousness, laughter, and tears, and see how “life really does start in the middle!”  We still have many, many good years left.  Let’s make the best of them!

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