The Mighty Plank

This is my number one ab exercise.  The picture is self explanatory.  Best explanation that I have found.

The Mighty Plank

The Mighty Plank


As a trained yoga instructor, I have come to value the benefits of the plank.  If done correctly, this is one pose that can help with multiple problem areas.  I especially love it to help focus on my abs and my guns (arms/shoulders).

If you have never done a plank and you find that you don’t have the strength to hold it very long, it’s okay!  Just do it as many times as you can, for as long as you can (even if it is just 5 seconds).  If you do it daily, you will build up your strength and be able to hold the pose longer.

It’s this simple!  What to do:

  • suck in your tummy
  • keep your back straight (not butt up in the air or sagging)
  • squeeze your buns
  • work your way up to 30 seconds, then to a 1 minute
  • BREATHE!!!
  • Focus on your body, how it feels, what it is doing

Once you have mastered this plank, there is an even more challenging level.  More to come…


In Home Exercise, No Excuses

I have found SO MANY in home workouts that require NO EQUIPMENT…so, really, there are no excuses.  This is just one example.  I have lots of workouts, classified by target area, pinned on Pinterest.  Feel free to take a look or just search yourself!!  GOOD LUCK!

I could not find a website for the one shown below, but there are so many more out there!  I, personally, really liked this one!
